It's official! The Burning Man org accepted my application, and why wouldn't they? This idea is ridiculously ambitious and sounds difficult to pull off. In other words, if this becomes reality, it will be awesome. So I now have to put aside my doubts (like where am I going to find 600+ hours to build this beast while working a full time demanding job) and get to it.
I've been looking on Craigslist and Ebay for trucks since last Fall, and am thinking this fits the bill:
Flat bead delivery truck 1994 - $2600 (Jarupa)
1994 GMC Stake Bed, 16 foot diesel. Lift gate. Well maintained. High miles but runs good, 395,000 miles. Call Don at 951-903-3747.
So I'm gonna call on this one tomorrow. Realistically I'd rather a Flat Bed truck than a Flat Bead truck, but this will do. And it already has half a rack, which I need to build anyway.
Oh and here's the acceptance letter from Burning Man. I didn't read it entirely either, but there's plenty of time for that later and I skimmed it. If you're bored, read it an let me know if there's anything useful there:
Dear Steven Nilsen,
This is an invitation to bring your Mutant Vehicle to Burning Man 2012 for on-playa inspection. THIS IS NOT YOUR LICENSE, NOR DOES IT GRANT YOU ONE. Actual licenses are granted in Black Rock City when, and if, you pass the on-playa inspection.
This letter confirms that you passed the first level of inspection; read on for important information about what is next.
You MUST bring a printout of this letter with you to Black Rock City. Gate personnel will not allow any towed vehicle into the event site without a copy of this letter. If you do not have this letter when you get to the Gate, you will have to leave the vehicle in the lot at the gate before entering the city. In this case, come to the DMV between noon and 5pm and ask for help getting your vehicle into the event. Because those that brought their letter get serviced first, and because it is a taxing endeavor to get a towed vehicle through the gate without this letter, it may take hours or even days to get your vehicle in. Please remember this and be patient if you find yourself in this position.
This letter allows you to drive your Mutant Vehicle from your camp to the DMV.
This letter should be in your vehicle (and available) during this short trip directly to the DMV. If you are stopped by Law Enforcement, the Black Rock Rangers, or any other authority, this letter shows you are in compliance with the rules of BRC. This only applies for the trip directly to the DMV from your camp.
The DMV is located on the Esplanade near center camp. Check your BRC map for our specific location this year.
The DMV will open on the Saturday before the event opens and is open through Saturday the day of the Burn.
We will open at 11:00am and process Mutant Vehicles until sunset. We will then close until it is dark enough to process night vehicles, around a half hour, and then remain open until 10:30 pm. You must be in line by 6:30 for day licensing and by 10:30pm for night licenses or you’ll have to wait until the next day to get processed. We close at 3:00pm our last day, Saturday, the day of the Burn.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are applying for a night license, whether you are getting a day license or not, you will need to make TWO trips to the DMV: a first trip during the day (before 6:30) for initial inspections and to complete paperwork, and then again after dusk to have your lighting inspected and to receive your night license.
At the DMV your vehicle will be photographed and inspected. If your vehicle passes inspection, it will be issued a license. Licenses are a 12" long by 3" high bumper sticker. Licenses must be affixed to the back of your vehicle on the lower-left (drivers) side and you should make allowances for this on your vehicle. If your vehicle is approved for a day and night license, you will need a 12" by 6" space for two stickers. The placement on the rear left side is MANDATORY. This applies to each trailer segment as well.
When you submitted your DMV applications, you agreed to adhere to Black Rock City driving protocols. See http://www.burningman.com/on_
Thanks for applying. We wish the best for you and your Mutant Vehicle. See you on the Playa!
-The DMV Hotties